The Old Priorian Association exists for both its Members (known as “Old Priorians”) and the School. Our annual activities revolve around social occasions, such as sporting events, formal dinners and reunions and generally supporting the School. Moreover – in this ever-changing world – we continue our Benedictine upbringing by helping others to progress in life – with a bit of fun thrown in, for good measure.
One of the most important aims of the OPA is to keep alumni of St Benedict’s School in touch with friends and staff that they used to know – as well as with those that they would like to meet; if you would like to contact other “Old Priorians”, perhaps one who is now an acrobat, an anaesthetist, or even an accountant, then your Association will gladly point you in the right direction. Why not take the time to fill-in our “Where Are You Now?” section, so that we can keep our records up to date too…?
In recent years, the Association has organised formal and informal dinners, hosted at venues in Central London as well as at the School.
Upper VIth leavers are welcomed into the OPA family annually, just before the end of their last term at St Benedict’s. Other “year group” events are organised at the request of Members and coordinated by those in the year who undertake the organisaton.
We hope you will find this website useful and informative; if you have any comments or suggestions, please do let us know…
The Council of The Old Priorian Association