In Memoriam

May They Rest in Peace
F – L
Fazi, Gabriel
OP 1966; SBS 59-66
Died February 2023.
Ferns, Mark
OP 1983
Died 30th November 2017, Aged 53.
Mark was IT Manager at St Benedict’s from March 2003 to October 2014.
Flade, Johanna
OP 2016
Died 20th Novemeber 2024, Aged 26.
Flannery, Claire
OP 1983; SBS 81-83
Died 19th January 2022, Aged 56.
To her husband David McClune and daughter Elizabeth we extend our deepest sympathy.
Foley, Michael
OP 1967
Died 9th August 2016, Aged 68.
Michael joined the academic staff at Aberystwyth University in 1974 as a Lecturer in American Government and Politics. Since the 1990s he served there in a variety of leadership roles in International Politics, including Director of Graduate Studies and Director of Research, and most recently Acting Head and then Head of Department.
Freeman, Kevin
OP 1956
Died November 2023, Aged 85.
Brother of Shaun (OP 1963) RIP. 
Friedlander, Cecil
Staff 1953-1966; OP 1966
Died 28th August 2024, Aged 100.


Gibbs, Paul
OP 1971; SBS 66-71
Died 10th August 2014, Aged 61.
Brother of Jonathan (OP 1977), Peter (OP 1983 and Uncle of Harry Sumpter (OP 2011).
Gilvary, Robert
OP 1954; SBS 48-54
Died 30th September 2014, Aged 77.
Green, Joseph
OP 1963; SBS 55-63
Died 6th March 2020, Aged 75.
Brother of Mark (OP 1960; RIP 2011)
Grigg, Michael
OP 1957
Died November 2023, Aged 84.
Grubb, Peter
OP 1960
Died 23rd December 2016, Aged 64.
Peter was credited as Britain’s leading mammalian taxonomist, and one of the pre-eminent mammalogists worldwide.
Gulamhuseinwala, Nadim
OP 1993
Died 5th August 2009, Aged 32.
Gullan-Steel, Fr Stuart
OP 1956
Died 29th December 2023, Aged 75.
Please see the Obituary here


Hajduk, Christopher
OP 1975; SBS 71-75
Died October 2011, Aged 54.
Halliden, Michael
OP 1960; SBS 54-60
Died 18th January 2022, Aged 79.
Hanley, John
OP 1960; SBS 53-60
Died 13th April 2020, Aged 78.
Brother of James (OP 1966) and Mark (OP 1972), Son of Frank (Staff 49-75Head of Modern Languages, RIP).
To his wife Faith and son Liam we offer our deepest sympathy.
Harman, Martin
OP 1962; SBS 52-62
Died 15th December 2021, Aged 81.
Brother of Alan (OP 1958; RIP).
Harvey, Philip
OP 1966
Died 1st December 2015, Aged 67.
Philip was living in Ireland when he died.
Havery, Anthony
OP 1959
Died 26th January 2025, Aged 84.
Hemy, Peter
OP 1967; SBS 59-67
Died 21st December 2019, Aged 71.
Brother of Anthony (OP 1971)
Hepburn, Anthony
OP 1985
Died January 2023, Aged 55.
Hines, Robert
OP 1977; SBS 70-77
Died 23rd October 2015, Aged 57.
Brother of James (OP 1978).
Hooper, Laurence
OP 1999
Died 25th January 2019, Aged 37.
Brother of James. Laurence was a Dante specialist, gaining a PhD in Italian whilst at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. He was Professor in Italian at Dartmouth College in Hanover and held three fellowships in the USA.
Hooper, Neil
OP 1974
Died November 2022, Aged 66.
Hopper, Christopher
OP 1963; SBS 57-63
Died 1st February 2020, Aged 75.
Brother-in-law of David Randell (OP 1957) and son of Mrs Amy Hopper (RIP 1997), a former Senior School Librarian.
Horan, Bernard
OP 1958; SBS 51-58
Died 21st January 2006, Aged 66.
Brother of Brian (OP 1958), Father of Anthony (OP 1997) and Benedict (OP 2005) and Husband of Susan (Junior School Admin Staff).
Horsey, Carroll
Staff 1943-1965
Dom Kevin, Monk and Priest of Ealing Abbey
Died 28th November 2006, Aged 92.
Contingent Commander St Benedict’s School CCF 1942-1958.
Hubner, Peter
OP 1960
Died 28th October 2018, Aged 76.
Brother of Martin (OP 1962).
Peter died suddenly after a major heart attack whilst out cycling near his home in Kirby Muxloe, Leics; His death was totally unexpected; he was very fit, played tennis, kept to a very sensible diet and did not drink – always concerned as a heart surgeon, that others should follow his sensible and healthy example. Peter was a loyal supporter of the Old Priorians, and a credit to St. Benedict’s School, having obtained a First at London University, qualified as a doctor at the Middlesex Hospital, was a founding member of the Groby Road Heart Unit outside Leicester and a world-renowned heart consultant. He was a devout Catholic, a real Christian, always ready to help others, especially those who may have failed in life. To his family we extend out deepest sympathy.
Humphrey, Paul
OP 1981
Died 2015.


James, Fred
OP 1959
Died 2018, Aged 77.
To his family we extend our deepest sympathy.
James, Kevin
OP 1963; SBS 56-63
Died 6th February 2015, Aged 69.
Brother of Brendan (OP 1959).
Jantet, Bernard
OP 1953; SBS 44-53
Died 5th May 2020, Aged 85
Brother of George (OP 1945) and Paul (OP 1948).
To his wife Jane and family we extend our deepest sympathy.
Jantet, Georges
OP 1945
Died 11th September 2023, Aged 95.
Jewers, Matthew
OP 1976
Died June 2022, Aged 64.
Johnson, Dennis
Staff 1966-1986
Died 5th September 2017, Aged 91.
Dennis joined the Senior School Staff as Head of English in 1966 and served in the capacity for twenty years.


Keetch, Eric
OP 1968; SBS 61-68
Died 28th September 2015, Aged 65.
Kelly, Paul
OP 1958; SBS 51-58
Died 10th January 2009, Aged 69.
Kenny, Anthony, MVO
Staff 1956-1959
Died October 2014.
Kilaart, Brian
OP 1949; SBS 47-49
Died 2nd January 2015, Aged 82.
Kilroy, Anthony
OP 1953; SBS 43-53
Died 25th July 2021, Aged 86.
Brother of Bernard (OP 1957) and Gerard (OP 1963).
To his family we extend our deepest sympathy.
Anthony had lived for many years at Nashville in the USA; he was Associate Professor of Paediatrics at the Vanderbilt University Medical Centre where he was an eminent pioneer in Neurology.
King, Michael
OP 1971
Died 8th September 2015, Aged 52.
Klim, Richard
OP 1973
Died May 2016, Aged 61.
Knowles, David
OP 2000; SBS 93-00
Died 20th December 2020, Aged 38.
Knowles, Michael
OP 1961; SBS 54-61
Died 22nd September 2015, Aged 71.
Kusnierz, Simon
OP 2002; SBS 95-02
Died 15th June 2012, Aged 28.


Lee, Brian
OP 1957
Died 24th May 2018, Aged 80.
Leyton-Henry (Herniczek), Zygmunt
OP 1960; SBS 53-60
Died 9th September 2020, Aged 78.
Linehan, Peter
OP 1960; SBS 54-60
Died 9th July 2020, Aged 76.
Brother of Christopher (OP 1963).
To his family we extend our deepest sympathy.
Peter was a Fellow of St John’s College, Cambridge and of the British Academy.
Little, Terrence
OP 1935; SBS 25-35
Dom Francis, Monk and Priest of Downside Abbey
Died 21st March 2007, Aged 90.
Brother of Patrick (OP 1932, RIP), Denis (OP 1939, RIP) and Michael (OP 1940, RIP) and Uncle of Richard (OP 1973), David (OP 1975), Peter (OP 1978) and Philip (OP 1980).
Livesey, John
OP 1959
Died January 2023, Aged 82.
Lomax, Anthony
OP 1967; SBS 60-67
Died 12th July 2006, Aged 58.
Father of Adam (OP 2007).
Lynch, Peter
OP 1961
Died 12th June 2024, Aged 80.


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