In Memoriam

May They Rest in Peace
S – Z
Salvoni, Marcus
OP 1976; SBS 71-76
Died 16th July 2020, Aged 62.
Sands, Peter
OP 1937
Died 8th December 2016, Aged 96.
Peter had been for many years our oldest OPA Member.
Sandys, Richard
OP 1962; SBS 54-62
Died 1st May 2008, Aged 65.
Father of Christopher (OP 1991), Mark (OP 1992) and Damian (OP 1998).
Richard was a past Secretary of the Association and its President 1999-2000
Sayer, Ian
OP 1952; SBS 45-52
Died 28th August 2013, Aged 80.
Shreder, Paul
Staff 1966-1992
Died 10th January 2016, Aged 82.
Paul spent his retirement between Ealing and Wales where he was still very occupied in the art and music fields. In 2011, he won a competition to design a Christmas Card for Oxford University, which they then had professionally printed and sold in their shop there. Another picture, one of several that he had sent to his old college (Jesus) in 2015, is now being used by them on a notelet card; two of his paintings hang in the Heritage Room at School. The music club he ran at his house in Mount Park Crescent was still extant at the time of his death.
Silver, Tony
OP 1976
Died 31st May 2024, Aged 65.
Smart, Ian
OP 1952; SBS 42-52
Died 30th August 2008, Aged 73.
Brother of Brian (OP 1963).
Stirzaker, David
Staff 1961-1990
Died 25th December 2007, Aged 74.
Father of Bernard, Roderick and Hugh (all OPs), Husband of Stella McNair (Staff 1965-1972, RIP) and Brother-in-law of Robin (OP 1963), Neil (OP 1967) and Duncan (OP 1974) McNair.
Stirzaker, née McNair, Stella
Staff 1965-1972
Died 6th May 2007.
Wife of David (Staff 1961-1990), Mother of Bernard, Roderick and Hugh (all OPs) and Sister of Robin (OP 1963) and Duncan (OP 1974).
Stone, Dermot
OP 1961, SBS 55-61
Died 5th August 2022, Aged 78.
Stuart, Pamela
Junior School Staff 1957-1999 & Deputy Head
Died 30th November 2018, Aged 85.
Husband of Donald (Senior School Staff 69-95), R.I.P. and Mother of Iain (OP 1987).
Sweeney, Peter
OP 1979
Died 19th August 2019, Aged 58.
Brother of John (OP 1977, RIP) and Mark (OP 1978).
Tedeschi, Michael
OP 1970
Died October 2019, Aged 68.
Tobin, Patrick
OP 1960; SBS 52-60; Staff 1963-1971
Died 29th April 2020, Aged 78.
Brother of Michael (OP 1962; RIP) and Cousin of Paul (OP 1966).
To his wife Margery, their four children and thirteen grandchildren we extend our deepest sympathy.
Tuohy, Christopher
OP 1982; SBS 75-82
Died 6th May 2021, Aged 57.
Brother of Mark (OP 1980).
Walker, Cyril
OP 1957; SBS 51-57
Died 6th May 2009, Aged 70.
Walker, Pauline
Junior School Staff 1996-2007
Died 16th July 2016, Aged 68.
Walker, Simon
OP 1977; SBS 65-77
Died 17th January 2022, Aged 63.
Brother of Tom (OP 1980), Joe (OP 1981) and Son of Steve Walker (Staff 46-74).
Walsh, Peter
OP 1946; SBS 37-46
Died 10th February 2020, Aged 91.
Brother of Anthony (OP 1941; RIP) and William (OP 1947; RIP
Watkins, Wulstan
Dom Dunstan, Monk and Priest of Ealing Abbey 48-12
Staff 1955-1983
Died 17th October 2012, Aged 92.
Watson, Peter
OP 1952
Died 27th August 2019, Aged 83.
Peter gave his time and thought generously to the Association; for many years he was a Council Member and during that time served as Association President from 2000-2001.
Wielogorski, Andrew
OP 1969; SBS 64-69
Died 18th December 2011, Aged 60.
Wilding, David
OP 1943, Staff 1951-1960
Died 27th November 2015, Aged 89.
David taught in the Middle School from 1951 to 1960 and then left to found, with his wife Josephine, Claires Court School in Maidenhead. His sons, Hugh and James, are the current Principals of the school.
Willis, David
OP 1948; SBS 40-48
Died February 2014, Aged 84.
Brother of Peter (OP 1944).
Willis, Peter
OP 1944
Died 27th October 2017, Aged 89.
Brother of David (OP 1940, RIP).
Peter was a retired Dental Surgeon living in Bedford.
Willson, (Maurice) Peter
OP 1941; SBS 38-41
Died 16th October 2007, Aged 78.
Peter was President of the Association 1974-1976
Winder, Christopher
OP 1958

Died 4th November 2017, Aged 77.
Brother of Richard (OP 1958, RIP).
Withall, William (Billy), Major General, CB
OP 1945; SBS 40-45

Died 21st February 2020, Aged 91.
Brother of Michael (OP 1956).
Woollett, John, Major General, CBE MC
OP 1933; SBS 22-33
Died 30th May 2007, Aged 91.
Wykes, Robert
OP 1949; SBS 40-49
Died 16th April 2020, Aged 87.
Brother of Valentine (OP 1943; RIP)
Robert is survived by his wife, 5 children and 11 grandchildren – to them we offer our deepest sympathy.
Robert was a civil engineer; he was a keen rugby fan and in his 20s and 30s had played for Ealing.
Young, Hugh
OP 1961
Died 30th December 2015, Aged 73.
Brother of Christopher (OP 1958).
Zaniewski, Christopher
OP 2009; SBS 97-09
Died April 2021, Aged 30.
To his family we extend our deepest sympathy.
Zylinski, John
OP 1969
Died January 2024, Aged 72.
Zubrzycki, Jerzey
OP 1969
Died 2014, Aged 70.


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